Saturday, July 4, 2009

Myra at the Museum

These pictures are before my tumble. Smiling was
easier for me. I think I will go back to the

What a Smile

I took so many pictures at the museum but I really liked Amenhotep the III "statue". I think the artist that created the statue was extremely talented. The eyes and smile was mesmerizing on the statue. It appears like he has a secret. It made me wonder what he was thinking.

The British Museum

The museum is unbelievable. There are floors of interesting artifacts from all over the world. The British Museum is very unique in the following ways.
  • Free admission
  • Photography allowed
I planned to explore the museum for about 1 hour but I got so caught up in the exhibits that I lost track of time. In fact I was so mesmerized by the exhibits I forgot to watch the steps at one point and I fell down three stairs landing hard on my knees. I realized I had missed the steps when gravity started to do its job and I knew I was going down hard. My knees were stinging but my camera along with my dignity was intact. It seemed everyone looked but when I was able to get up everyone went about their exploring. A kind gentleman inquired if I was okay. He suggested that I sit down a bit and I did! He continued to exam a picture but he was watching me unobtrusively because the minute I touched my wrist twisting it around he said," Did you injure your wrist in the tumble?" I thanked him for his concern and I told him no worries even though my knees were stinging like crazy. My exploring did not end after the "tumble" but I continued exploring for about 2 and a half hours more. Going up and down the stairs was painful because I was wearing jeans that rubbed against my injured knees but it was worth the pain. If you ever visit the British Museum:
  • mind the steps
  • bring your camera
  • take lots of pictures
  • plan to explore longer than planned