Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Interesting Pictures?

I enjoyed the different daily photography focus for class. At times it was quite the challenge for me. I was surprised with the outcome of some photos snapped.

Versailles Video

2009 Picturesque Tales Ends Podcast

Monday, August 3, 2009

Taste bites in photos

I really enjoyed the experience of trying new foods. Although I did somehow order sardines at a Spanish Tapas restaurant that I really did not like! Mushed peas are mush.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Pere Lachaise Cemetery

July 14 - Exploring the cemetery wasa unique experience. Movies set scenes in cemeteries as very creepy. This cemetery looks different. I didn't see any open spaces yet it was a very peaceful place. Growing up with a cemetery next door created for me a sense of peace about cemeteries. Pere Lachaise is a park that provides shady paths for walking and exploring.

Notre Dame- Farewell dinner

July 15 - The cathedral of Notre Dame is amazing. The construction began in 1163 and was completed in 1345. It is the last day of class although traveling about London and Paris hardly seemed like class. The cruise was a great way to see the sights of Paris. Again the dinner was perfect and it was a fantastic evening to end my travels.

British Library

The British Library is a housed in a modern building but it is filled with so much history. The Turning the Pages was a great way to see priceless books or historical writings without damaging the material. It' kind of like an iPhone because it's all touch screen. The pages turn when you touch the screen.

London - British Museum

London - British Museum
Originally uploaded by mattmeyers
Flickr photo of Ramses II and
my attempt to duplicate.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Jetlag Maybe

I'm home and I'm not really tired. I'm at my parents home in Plant City because I don't feel like driving to St. Pete. I finally go to bed around 1:30 AM. I wake up 6:00 AM the next morning. I don't feel tired and I can't go back to sleep so I do some laundry and vacuum. I leave my parents around 1:00 PM. I'm driving my car and it feels a little different. Cars, trucks, and eighteen wheelers make up the traffic. Taxis and buses aren't seen on my way home. Very different from the traffic in London and Paris. I arrive home to lots of mail. I fall asleep reading my mail. I go to dinner with my sister and nephew. The waitress asks if we want separate checks. I 'm not sleepy when I get home so I watch shows that I have taped on my DVR. It's about 2:30 AM and I'm still not sleepy, but I decide to go to bed. I wake up 6:00 AM and I think I should unpack but I just don't feel like unpacking. So I read a book. It's about 11:00 AM and I'm feeling a little tired. So I go to sleep. I wake up eat dinner and I go back to sleep. The next time I wake up its Sunday night around 8:00 PM. I eat popcorn and watch a TV show. I sleep some more and Monday I'm just tired. I sleep all day. I don't feel like doing anything. I try to watch The Closer but I fall asleep during the show. Now it's Tuesday morning and I don't feel tired. I unpack my luggage and I work on my blog.

I'm Back!

It's good to be home! The flight from Paris to Newark was long. How long can two small children cry, no SCREAM nonstop? What is 45 minutes? The seat belt sign is on and everyone has to stay seated because of turbulence. Finally I'm free to walk about the cabin and the two darling screamers have stopped. The flight is perfect to Newark after this. Customs was quick. Yes! Now I'm off to catch my connecting flight to Orlando. The weather was perfect in London and Paris but my flight is delayed in Newark because of severe weather. (south) Almost home but no flights are being cleared to fly south so I'm sitting in a plane waiting for the pilot to get the go ahead for flying to Orlando. He has no idea how long our wait will be. The wait was 30 minutes on the plane but it seem like it was longer. The flight was rerouted to avoid the weather. I will arrive in Orlando much later than scheduled. No worries. The flight seemed short and the landing was Perfect. The passengers applauded the pilot's perfect landing.
I'm back in Florida and I'm almost home.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Wine tasting

After the grand tour it was time to sample the champagne. The cellar was a chilly temp that felt good. The dust was a different story because it started my allergies. Just coughing instead of continuous sneezes. Boy was I glad to taste the bubbling champagne.

Moet and Chandon

The day was picture perfect. The town was so picturesque. It was somewhere you would like to stay for awhile. I learned the history of champagne or Moet and Chandon's history of champagne making. A monk, Dom Perignon, discovered champagne by mistake. What a fantastic mistake. I think knowing the history made the wine tasting better. My mouth is still bubbling with the taste of the champagne.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Street scenes on Saturday

Saturday was a day for exploring. I enjoyed strolling the streets taking in the interesting sites along the way. I captured a picture of a teen carrying his younger sister across the street. Big brothers are great when they are nice. ( Big C is great all the time)

Sunday, July 12, 2009

The Louvre in Paris

The Louvre has many statues and paintings. My focus for the visit was statues. The Louvre is the perfect spot for capturing pictures of statues.

The Gardens at Versailles

The gardens designs at the palace were awesome. I didn't go out into the gardens because it was raining. I took many pictures of the garden from inside the palace.

Palace and Gardens of Versailles

This former hunting lodge of King Louis XIII was transformed by his son Louis XIV who enlarged it and made it a central point for his government and court. The ceilings are works of art to me. I was amazed at the vibrant colors and details of the ceilings.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

The Louvre in Paris

Myra at the Eiffel Tower

The feeling was unbelievable. Me up close to the Eiffel Tower. It was an amazing site. The views were out of this world good!

July 10th group photo at the Louvre in Paris

Visiting was lots of fun. You can spend hours exploring and there will still be more to explore.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Last Day in London

The last day in London was memorable. On the way to the British Library I was not able to get on the bus because my Oyster card needed money but I didn't know until I tried to use the card for bus fare. I also was the last person in my group getting on the bus. Everyone rode off on the bus without me. I go in panic mode.I needed exact change to get a ticket for the bus. I get change from a store and I buy a one day ticket. Now that I have my ticket I'm not sure what bus I should be getting on. Many buses stop and go but I'm pretty sure they're not the bus I need. I decide to ask if anyone knows what bus to ride to the library. The first person I asked said she did not live in the area. All the people I asked where not able to help me. I debated going back to the Centre to get the address but the bus approaching is the bus I believe will take me to the British Library. I get on the bus but I don't know when to get off. I decide to tell the driver I want to go to the British Library and he driver says he will let me know when it's my stop. He announces the British Library stop for me and when I'm getting off the bus he points to the building. I thank him and I'm off to the library. Wow I made it. I take pictures of the building. It has a modern look. Finally I go inside and get an map of the library. To the right of the information center was a listening room. There is a list of categories to help you make your selection. I select Americans because I see a picture of Booker T. Washington on the wall. My day made me think of a Booker T. Washington quote from his speech the Atlanta Compromise. "Cast down your buckets", He says. Embracing differences in a foreign country is casting down you bucket. Talk and interact with those around you. I listened to other speeches also.
The library was very interesting.


Visiting the Eiffel Tower yesterday was amazing. The views from the tower were incredible. We arrived a little before sunset. The pictures of the sky and Eiffel tower are beautiful.